First of all:
yogie and Zero NEVER had the same IP address, to clear that one up.
I am really sorry for the momentary situation, this thing is getting on my nerves really hard, too, but if those two donīt see a sense in stopping this, I canīt do anything. Zero already posted something like an offer of piece, but patrick just doesnīt believe him I guess.
Stop it, I now know Zero at least a bit better and he is not that kind of a GM Spot hunter I guess, almost sure of it.
I made him the offer to stay here in hope it getīs better.
And if I would not want him as a GM so badly, Iīd simply say "NO"
Even if he gets his spot in staff, I donīt care if he just intended to get on, if he does his job well, and at the moment, Iīm looking forward on having a nice staff, maybe with Zero and Yogie, but you 3 (Zero, (Sheine before,) patrick) are now destroying this.
No clue what else to say now o.O